Academic year 2020-21

1.Basic details
Name of Activity Mind your brain
Date 29/06/2022
Faculty Ms. Deepika L

Organized by

Name of Department/ Name of Committee/ Club

Office bearers and members


Udyothana club


Coordinator/ In-charge of Activity Ms . Deepika .L
Time 2:30pm
Venue Auditorium
Activity for Class/Group Group


Academic /Co- curricular/extracurricular/other



2.Brief information about Activity
Topic /Subject of activity Mind your brain
Objectives of the activity To create an awareness of the ability of the brain and its functionality
Methodology Guest speaker Mr. Rajesh Gope took over the session with ppts .
Outcome of Activity We must believe in ourself. Everyone are unique, awesome and special in one are other way. To utilize the brain in best possible way

3.Proofs attached

Letters /Attendance sheet/Certificate/ Feedback/Account document /Photo etc.