Date: 02-02-2022

A guest lecture was organized by Department of Commerce, Sivananda Sarma Memorial RV College on the topic β€œEMERGING TRENDS IN ACCOUNTING” for the students of I semester B.Com (Subject- Financial Accounting ). The speaker was Dr. S Pramila, M.Com, MBA, M.Phil, PhD, anΒ Eminent professor at Christ University, Delhi- NCR and she has also presented many papers in National and International Conferences, hisΒ articles were published in International Journals.

This virtual guest lecture was conducted in Google Meet platform https://meet.google.com/bkf-isyr-pwy?hs=224 for students on 2nd February 2022 from 3:30 PM – 4:45 PM. Students of first year B.com took an active participation during the programme.


Dr. S Pramila started her session by explaining the Accounting and Branches of Accounting and focused mainly on emerging trends in accounting. The concept of Inflation accounting, Human Resource Accounting, Environmental Accounting, Forensic Accounting, Digital Accounting, Database Accounting, Cloud Accounting are covered. She also discussed about real world examples of accounting applications. The session helped the students to understand the concept.

Dr. S Pramila, M.Com, MBA, M.Phil, PGDHET, PhD, working as Assistant Professor at Christ University, New Delhi, having more than 15 years of teaching experience. Served as a commerce professor in various colleges in India. She was an NSS Officer at Kolkata

As a NSS Programme Officer, organized Poster making competition on Anti-ragging (06.09.16) for students to bring out their internal creative talent and spreading awareness on evils of Anti-ragging activities

A Thesis on A Study on Working Capital Management in Tata Steel Limited was submitted for the award of Ph. D Degree to the Bharathidasan University, Trichy, Tamil Nadu in Oct 2019


Patent Published- Application No: 202141048337 – β€œThe impact of India`s formal and informal (street vending) Sectors”, as well as their issues, challenges and opportunities” published on 22.10.2021.

Patent Published – Application No: 202111056332- β€œBest HR Practices in an Organized Retail Sector” Published on 10.12.2021.

Design Patent Published – Application No: 351985-001” Floating Rafters for Wetland Treatment” Published on 25.10.2021


Presented and published research papers in various National and International Seminars.